The buzz around fly fishing is usually all about the bugs, this is even more true during the spring season. May is often considered the major hatch month of the year here in Pennsylvania.
I receive a lot of questions during the year about when/where to books days to fish hatches at the club. When I think back over the years, I can honestly recall great days of fishing and different bugs hatching on each of our different beats. However, a large number of my memorable days of bugs hatching and dry fly fishing are definitely down in Forge Bottom on Yellow Creek.
All of our waters at HomeWaters do have bugs to some extent; however, our Forge Bottom beats down on Yellow Creek arguably produce the best hatches consistently. May is definitely a month that you want to plan on dry fly fishing at Forge Bottom in Yellow Creek. Although there are dry fly fishing opportunities at Forge Bottom through the summer and fall as well depending on conditions (a good topic for another day).
If you haven’t experienced a Sulphur or Green Drake hatch down in Forge Bottom, this is a trip that you should put on the calendar. Sulphurs can start hatching around the first week of May, and Green Drakes are usually around sometime the week before Memorial Day. As always when it comes to fishing, which exact day the hatch will be best is dependent upon variables such as weather and water conditions.
Heavy hatches and catching large fish on the surface is one the most coveted experiences in fly fishing. When you fish Forge Bottom in Yellow Creek during the month of May, you give yourself a great chance of experiencing dry fly fishing during hatch scenarios. If you need to book a day on the water, talk to Joel to set it up.
Note: When this email went to print Forge Bottom 1 had eight days available in May and Forge Bottom 2 had five days available.