We are still holding onto summer for awhile, but it’s definitely starting to feel a little like fall on some recents days spent on the water. Fall is a great time of the year to be on the water fishing at HomeWaters in Pennsylvania. As the crisp, cool air starts setting in, it’s a very comfortable time of year to be outside. In addition to the very comfortable weather, watching the leaves change color in rural Pennsylvania is something I think everyone should experience through a day on the water. Throw in good fall fishing, and I think we’ve already got more than enough reason for a fishing trip to HomeWaters in the fall.
Fall is a time of year, that as anglers, we have options. Are you taking advantage of all your fly fishing options at HomeWaters this fall?
Fall Smallmouth Floats-For many of the reasons regarding weather and scenery that I discussed for fall trout fishing, being on the river on a smallmouth float is also an enjoyable experience. Fall can be a great time of the year to catch big bass. Poppers will still put fish into the boat and the streamer bite with minnow patterns can also be action packed. Under most circumstances, fishing minnows on a fly rod for smallmouth is very visual, meaning usually you will see the fly, the fish, or the strike. With the current weather forecast, we expect the good smallmouth fishing to continue for weeks to come.
Fall Trout Fishing-The fall is one of my favorite times of year to be surrounded by the outdoors on a trout stream in Central Pennsylvania. Fall weather and foliage create an awesome experience on the water. Nymphs and Streamers usually work well, but there is also usually opportunities to fish dry flies with bugs such as Terrestrials, Caddis, Blue Winged Olives, etc. Fall is a great time of year to soak up as much time as possible on our trout streams before winter has the chance to set in.
Steelhead Alley- Deeper into the fall also brings our migratory steelhead runs and the opportunity for anglers to visit Steelhead Alley near Erie, Pennsylvania. Steelhead fishing is seasonal and therefore limited to mostly just the fall and winter months. If you haven’t tried Steelhead fishing through the club yet, don’t miss out on one of the best opportunities to pursue Great Lakes Steelhead.
With a number of different options there is no shortage of fishing to do at HomeWaters during the fall season. If you need to get your fall fishing trips to the club on the books, give us a call!