March has always felt like the start of the new season in my mind when it comes to both guiding and my own personal fishing. While we do fish throughout winter, to me those months of the year feel more like the previous season lingering around. If we viewed our year round fishing season in terms of a calendar, to me, we would kick things off with a New Year’s Day on March 1st.
On one of our “Winter Wednesdays on Zoom” a few weeks ago, the Topic of the Week was “4 Reasons You Should Fish More in March”. In case you missed out on that discussion, I want to be sure you don’t miss out on the reasons why March is a great fishing month. Here we go…
- Seasonal Change. Our weather patterns, on most years, take a big leap from winter to spring during the month of March. Spring is often referred to as one of the “best” (a lot of subjectivity there) times of the year to trout fish in Pennsylvania. March is the start of Spring most years, and offers anglers the first chance to be on the water as fishing conditions become much more favorable than during the winter.
- Favorable Fishing Conditions. During March and the early spring, our creeks and rivers are usually full of water from a combination of snowmelt and rain. During this time of year we expect to have great water conditions for nymphing, streamers, and even dry flies when bugs hatch. With so much seasonal change happening in March, a rise in the air and water temperatures bring our creeks, bugs, and fish to life.
- Blue Winged Olives. Each year Blue Winged Olives in March are the first bugs that provide anglers the opportunity to consistently catch fish on the surface. As you would guess the weather and water conditions play a role as well, but we expect to see Blue Winged Olives in the afternoons in the later half of March. The BWO’s that hatch during the early spring are slightly bigger, size 18-20’s, and provide dry fly opportunities that we look forward to each year.
- Open Schedule/Availability. There are many anglers that take advantage of great fishing during the month of March, however, compared to other months we have a relatively open schedule and availability. When you combine this availability being an option during a month that experiences seasonal change, favorable fishing conditions, and Blue Winged Olives, it is a great opportunity to fish more.
If there’s one month of the year as a club I feel like we can take advantage of more great trout fishing, it’s March. If you are itching for a day on the water, give us a call to get your trip on the schedule. Don’t miss out!