In the summer months, it is even more important to be conscious of the fish that help fuel our passion for fly fishing. When the water temperatures become marginal, we need to do our part to look out for the well-being of the fish.
The increase in water temperatures during the summer can add stress to trout. By scheduling fishing times accordingly, we avoid water temperatures that are unsafe to fish during a day on our water. However, responsible anglers should also execute a quicker catch and release this time of the year.
As you fight a fish this time of year, it’s important to do your best to get the fish to the net as quickly as possible. There are times that trying to quickly net a fish could increase the chance of it coming unhooked, but that is a much better alternative than adding stress by fighting the fish too long.
In addition to catching fish more quickly, it’s also a good practice to release fish quickly this time of year. In order to minimize stress added to the fish:
- Do your best to keep the net in the water
- Remove the hook quickly
- Release the fish right back into the water.
I also strive to minimize the number of pictures and time spent taking each picture during the summer months. There’s nothing wrong with taking a couple seconds to snap a quick picture, but it is best to do so in a quick manner. Properly handling the fish, lifting him up just above the water for a couple seconds, and then releasing him back into the water after taking the picture is good practice during a quicker catch and release.
As you continue to enjoy time spent on the water during the summer months, try put a quicker catch and release into practice.