Last year and so far this year we’ve no shortage of water from continued rainfall. Knowing how to adapt and fish higher than average water levels is the key for…
Tag: fly patterns
Featured Fly: Zebra Midge
No matter what time of the year or which stream you are fishing, a midge pattern can serve as a standby fly. In every creek that we fish, there are…

Fly Fishing High, Dirty Water: Attractor Flies
It seems if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a 1,000 times. 2018 continues to be the year of rain and high water conditions. In case you missed last…

Featured Fly: Soft Hackles
A Soft Hackle, or wet fly, is one of the most utilized style of patterns in my fly box. During the spring, summer, or fall there could be a variety…
On the Water: Stoneflies
Stoneflies are sometimes an overlooked food group by fly fisherman. However, a stonefly is a large meal that a nice trout certainly does not overlook. Stoneflies can be found in…
Five Fly Patterns for Fall
Knowing which fly patterns to start with can make a day on the water much more productive. Here are 5 of my go-to patterns for the fall months. 1. Eggs-…
6 Fly Patterns for Summer
During the summer, fishing conditions can become technical making fly selection even more important. The patterns listed below are six of my summer go-to’s. 1. Beetles– Japanese Beetles are starting to gather…
Getting to Know Grannoms
Adult grannoms have a black charcoal body with tannish mottled wings and range from size 14 to 16. Unlike a majority of bugs that hatch in the East during the spring, grannoms begin…
Featured Fly- Eggs Explained
During this time of year, it’s hard to pick a better fly than an egg to consistently put fish in the net day in and day out. Our recent trips…