2021 Spring Prespawn Bass Floats Dates: Friday, April 23rd – Saturday, May 8th Every spring as water temperatures rise into the 50 degree range, the smallmouth bass in our creeks…
Tag: spring fishing
HomeWaters Fly Fishing: Picking the Best Beats for Spring Dry Fly Fishing
On any given day, any of our beats at HomeWaters have the ability to outfish each other. As a guide that spends just shy of 200 days a year on…

HomeWaters Fly Fishing: Planning Trips Throughout the Seasons
HomeWaters, being based in the town of Spruce Creek, Pennsylvania, provides anglers the ability to fish during all seasons of the year. I’ve often said that one of the best…

Dry Fly Fishing: A Couple Tips for the Little Juniata
This week’s blog is a timely repeat of one Kyle wrote a couple year’s ago. There are a couple references to bugs that are not accurate (it was originally written…

HomeWaters Fly Fishing: Planning Trips Throughout the Seasons
HomeWaters, being based in the town of Spruce Creek, Pennsylvania, provides anglers the ability to fish during all seasons of the year. I’ve often said that one of the best…

On the Water: Sulphurs, Green Drakes, & Dry Flies for Months to Come
In Pennsylvania, it’s possible to fish 12 months out of the year. Under the right conditions, any of those months can produce the very best fishing we have to offer.…

Fly Fishing April: Grannom Caddis Hatch
Our creeks and rivers in Pennsylvania are well-known for the Grannom caddis hatch in April. The term Grannom is often associated with this caddis hatch in the East, but I’ve…
Fly Fishing March: Starting the Season
If you have spent any time talking with me about times of the year to fish, it’s no secret that March is one of my favorite months. Part of this…
How Fly Fishing at HomeWaters Changes with the Seasons
Contest 4 under “Get Hooked (Up) at HomeWaters” was to select a topic for a post that would be written by me and appear here on the HomeWaters Blog. Congrats Don…
Getting to Know Grannoms
Adult grannoms have a black charcoal body with tannish mottled wings and range from size 14 to 16. Unlike a majority of bugs that hatch in the East during the spring, grannoms begin…